Monday, February 18, 2008

Top 10 reasons why people spend more than what they earn

Top 10 reasons why people spend more than what they earn
1) to impress others - live it up at all expense
2) adopt a fatalistic view of life - i do not know what happens tomorrow so today i spend everything and enjoy life to the fullest. Live a life like a man on a death sentence or about to be hanged
3) a generational habit - what the family did has impact on the behaviour of the children. Well, sometimes not. The parents may have saved every sen but the children being pampered, spend everything like there is no tomorrow
4) the attraction of easy financing via credit cards and personal loans schemes.
5) once a person gets a job or a loan or funds, the first thing is to get an expensive car with all the bells and whistles to impress girls and neighbours & colleagues. But the wallet is empty, so there is little or no money to fill the stomach with good nutrients.
6) people more likely to spend on clothes, latest hair styles, shoes, perfume/cologne (sometimes you think the bottle must have been broken to splash so much on your body) than health, personal hygiene and food. So the attitude is to look outrageously “cheap” but have poor diet, lack of hygiene, poor health due to fast food and snacks that have no nutrients.
7) spend today for what I earn today. I will spend tomorrow for what I will earn tomorrow. A simplistic and casual view of a worker. Do people want to be employees forever? Do they want to work the same job for the rest of their lives? This is not 1950’s or post war syndrome but this is the 21st century where knowledge is endless and one must update with the latest know-how. I digress on how much one invest on increasing one’s knowledge. Any comments on this?
8) lived a life minding other people’s business. So one spend a majority of the waking hours and money trying to outdo what others have – must have latest gadgets, electronic appliances, furniture, golf membership, massage chair, maids, piano, plasma TV, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, shoes, leather goods, pets, hair and cosmetics goods, auto accessories, garden stuff, ASTRO, latest car model, magazines, snack food that has lots of preservatives, colour and cholesterol, DVDs, CDs and lastly, more exercise equipment that no one use. This is a waste of resources, time and effort while the returns of the investment may be superficial but the amount spent is substantial to justify for the purchase of a submarine!!
9) a bad habit of collecting debts from one credit card and then get another credit card to pay off a debt of the previous card loan. How familiar!! This is a straight road to poverty and hardship.
10) a series of “bad luck” – a friend complained that he has too much debts due to the recent flood that affected his business, then his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, one of his children was expelled from school due to drugs activities, his mother has died recently and his car was totally wrecked due a hit and run incident. What can you say? Poor chap had to find money for his wife medical bills, get his children back to school and also for a secondhand car. By the way, he had no savings because he poured all his money into his business and his wife did not work while they were married. I remembered he used to holiday twice a year to Taiwan, Hongkong, China and Hawaii for golf. I wonder if he had scaled down his expenses now. A lesson for everyone is – when you receive your pay packet, set aside a portion for bad weather and rainy days. An old saying goes “good things trickled down like a spit, but bad things poured down like bucket loads of rain”. So be aware that your earning capacity can change any time due to all sorts of reasons – some may be out of your control.

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